XAZ-Emily Weintraub 2005S
Heidi Wustlich Founding Sister
Sandy Goodwin 1973
Robin Wilde 1974
Barb Watson 1976
Susan Merkesdal 1978
Dawn Spiwak 1980
Kerri Davis 1981
April Hardy 1982
Kathy Stevens 1983
Rita Dooley 1984
Sue Fletcher 1985
Cheryl Heenan 1987
Jane Sidney 1990
Danielle Lupien 1991
Nicole Dyer 1993
Bethany Souther 1994
Laura Porter 1995
Danielle Cadieux 1996 Fall
Kristin Shurtleff 1998
Megan McLaughlin 1999 Fall
Christina Dell 2000
Kristin Lowell 2001 Spring
Michelle Knox 2001 Fall
Kelly Cote 2003 Spring
Jen Packard 2003 Fall
Emily Weintraub 2005 Spring
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