XAZ-Ashley Thomas 2004F
BJ Holder Founding Sister
Martha Woodbury 1974
Anne Robinson 1975
Debbie Fuller 1977
Jane Slayton 1978
Wendy Tiger 1979
Jane Grant 1980
Kathy Sampson 1981
Risha Carroll 1982
Michele D'Arcy 1984
Paula Quirion 1985
Lotte Kildevaeld 1987
Jeanne Marois 1988
Sue Lomax 1990
Laura Comi 1991
Kate Given 1992
Ellen Roderick 1994
Michelle Johnson 1995
Kate Lavery 1996 Spring
Jessica Ricker 1996 Fall
Jennifer Cyr 2000
Jen Boudreau 2001 Spring
Erin Hoy 2003 Spring
Kate Nichols 2004 Spring
Ashley Thomas 2004 Fall
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